Comodo Personal Firewall for Windows 10
The Comodo Personal Firewall for Windows 10 prevents unauthorized access of personal computers through the network and the internet. It monitors inbound and outbound network traffic for internet threats based on prespecified set of rules. The Firewall also stealths the ports of the computer to prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access to the computer.

Personal Firewall keeps users updated about any suspicious inbound and outbound traffic activities. This helps block any attempts by hackers and malware trying to gain unauthorized access. Personal Firewalls also monitors programs for any unauthorized attempts they may make to connect to the internet. Malicious programs may try to import more malware or subtly send sensitive information.
Windows 10 does have an inbuilt Firewall, however considering the sophisticated attacks that are taking place nowadays, a stronger personal firewall is a much needed security measure. Keep Windows 10 computers secure with Comodo Personal Firewall.
Why Win 10 Computers require Personal Firewall
- Personal Firewalls boost security of the computer
- Network traffic takes place through ports and malicious entities may try to gain access without any authorization.
- Devices used by computers for network access and connection to the Internet carry a single IP address or static IP address – this is risky.
- Mobile device users utilize public WiFi, which increases risk.
- Many users keep their internet connections always on as broadband connectivity has become cheap– this is risky
- Windows 10 is the latest operating system being used in enterprise networks. All computers on a network must be protected from unauthorized criminal access.
Functions of a Personal Firewall
- Rules can be specified to block specific websites
- Rules can be specified to allow access only to specific websites
- Access to inappropriate websites can be blocked – a useful feature for blocking access to websites inappropriate for children
- Unauthorized inbound and outbound connections can be monitored and blocked.
- Firewall stealths ports on computer to block cyber criminals from finding out the ports and gaining access into the computer
- Helps find out unauthorized access or hacking attempts
- Malicious programs such as Trojan Horses are blocked by Firewall
- Many programs need access to the internet. Rules can be specified to allow only certain programs to be able to access the internet.
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