Web Application Firewall (WAF)
In the early days of the internet, websites had few security threats. They were basically clusters of pages with information. With the advancement of technology, websites have become more than sources of information. Applications can now run on a host website without the need of downloading them. Major online activities are now done in the cloud. Cloud computing has made it easier to deliver quality online services at very high speeds. With such developments, websites have become the main target for cyber-attacks. Since they host crucial information such as passwords, large catalogs of products, and even financial info, a simple security certificate is no longer enough. Hence the need for a good web application firewall (WAF). Here's why you need one for your website.

The Need for Web Application Firewall
i. SSL is not enough
Nowadays, Google flags its users when a website doesn’t have HTTPS security. SSL is important to safeguard the information of users accessing your website such as passwords, personal information, financial information, etc. Without SSL, all that information is easily accessible by attackers. However, SSL is not enough. Cybercriminals have upped their game and can easily hack into major websites and extract the information they need. A good web application firewall, therefore, becomes a necessity. Such a firewall will prevent unauthorized access into the website preventing malicious packages of data from entering or leaving the website. It, therefore, provides an extra layer of protection from loss of information.
ii. Protection against hacking
Hackers are highly experienced IT experts with the ability to circumnavigate your online security and gain access to your servers. This means without a good web application firewall (WAF), you remain vulnerable to hacking much so since your application relies heavily on the internet. Hackers will gain access to the site, block you from accessing it and even ask for ransoms and other demands. Firewall is able to identify suck mischief and will easily raise a red flag when it identifies hacking taking place.
iii. Protection from Spam
Some cybercriminals have come up with creative ways to collect information from unsuspecting online users and use it for advertising or tracking their activities. Some use bots and other automated codes to follow users around. If your website is not protected by a good web application firewall, your user's information such as contact details will easily be scraped by bots and used to spam them with unnecessary adverts. Furthermore, your site will become vulnerable to further attacks making it even slower and resulting in loss of business. Firewall will easily be able to identify bots trying to gain access to your site and block them before they cause any damage. Having a regularly updated firewall software is a must to have such protection 24/7.
iv. Consumer trust and confidence
Even a single hack or loss of info can result in you closing shop. Your consumers or users will lose confidence in your site and opt not to engage with it in fear of their personal details being stolen. To avoid such inconveniences, it's absolutely necessary to have a good web application firewall to ensure that never happens.
v. Google ethics
Google demands that all websites have stringent security measures against hacking and loss of information. If a site is flagged by Google for lacking enough security, it will be labeled as risky to potential users. Furthermore, it may get pulled down meaning loss of business. This is especially so if your site is a web application. To avoid such risks as well as loss of business, installing a good web application firewall is necessary. It will keep all security threats at bay raising your trust with Google.
Comodo Web Application Firewall
Comodo Web Application Firewall (WAF) should be your number one go-to firewall software for your web application. This firewall has cutting edge protection against attacks and offers extra functionality such as antivirus, antimalware, auto-sandbox technology, antispyware, bot protection and much more. It has won awards for Top Products in the Feb, 2018 AV-TEST with the highest scores in protection and usability. Priced at $29.99 a year, you're guaranteed maximum protection all year round at affordable rates. Time to receive state of the art firewall protection for your website application!